LoAnn graduated from the University of Illinois in Chicago with a Bachelor degree in Biology. Upon completion, she worked at Rush Hospital Pharmaceutical department for three years
before she found interest in the dental profession. She is an experienced dental hygienist who has worked with Periodontists, Prosthodontists, Endodontists and Pedodontists for over
eighteen years. Her model is to be gentle, thorough and compassionate with her patient. She finds great reward in seeing her patients enjoy coming and leaving the dentist with bright and
healthy smiles. LoAnn enjoys working with children and spending time educating them about their oral health.
In her spare time, she enjoys performing Rieki ( an Energy healing practice ) for her family and friends. She is currently studying reflexology, as it also has strong connections to dental health.
She enjoys a good workout and yoga every morning to maintain a healthy body and mind. When LoAnn is not busy with work and her special interests, she loves to travel abroad with her husband and three children.